Call for Tutorials

In Brief

The annual ACM SIGIR Conference is the premier international forum for presenting new research results and showcasing innovative systems and techniques in the broad field of Information Retrieval (IR). The 48th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval will take place from July 13–18, 2025, in Padova, Italy.

SIGIR 2025 invites tutorial proposals for half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours) sessions that provide attendees with in-depth introductions to specific topics within the field of IR. Tutorials should engage attendees with current and emerging themes. The topics generally align with those outlined in the SIGIR 2025 general call for papers; proposals on other topics related to IR are also welcome.

Important Dates

Deadlines time zone: Anywhere on Earth (AoE)

  • Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: March 27, 2025
  • Notification of Acceptance: April 17, 2025
  • Tutorial Day: July 13, 2025

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should include a cover sheet and an extended abstract. The cover sheet should include the following elements:

  • Title and length (half-day or full-day) of the tutorial.
  • Tutorial format: SIGIR 2025 will be a fully in-person event. The presenters are expected to attend in person.
  • Intended audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills.
  • Detailed contact information of all presenters, including the main contact person.
  • Brief biographies (maximum 2 paragraphs) of all presenters, highlighting their expertise and prior experience in presenting tutorials, teaching, or organizing related events.
  • Indicate whether and where the tutorial has been presented before.

The extended abstract (no longer than 4 pages) should include the following sections:

  • Motivation: Explain the importance of the tutorial topic.
  • Objectives: Clearly state what attendees will learn and achieve.
  • Relevance: Demonstrate the tutorial’s significance to the IR and recommender systems communities, referencing relevant tutorials from SIGIR or other leading conferences (e.g., WSDM, WWW, KDD, ACL, EMNLP, RecSys, ICML).
  • Format and Schedule: Provide a detailed agenda, including breaks and interactive components.
  • Materials: Describe any supporting materials that will be provided to attendees (e.g., slides, datasets, code).

Tutorial proposals should be prepared in the current ACM two-column conference format. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (use the sigconf proceedings template).

Proposals should be submitted in PDF through the EasyChair system:

Please select the “SIGIR 2025 Tutorials” track.

Proposals will be evaluated based on their relevance, timeliness, technical depth, clarity, and potential for attendee engagement. Tutorial presenters are expected to deliver high-quality sessions that foster interactive learning.

The organizers of accepted tutorials will be invited to submit a camera-ready summary of the tutorial, which will be included in the conference proceedings.

In-Person Attendance Policy

SIGIR 2025 is an in-person conference. Despite the challenges it may pose, we believe that an in-person conference is more beneficial in terms of direct engagement and networking opportunities, more dynamic exchange of research ideas, and welcoming and nurturing newcomers.

All accepted papers (including all tracks) to the main conference and workshops are expected to be presented in-person. We anticipate that at least one author from each accepted paper will attend the conference in person to deliver the paper and address audience questions during the Q&A session. No pre-recorded videos will be accepted. More information at the SIGIR 2025 In-presence Policy page.

Child Care Service

SIGIR 2025 promotes inclusion and attendance also by organizing a child care service, in order to foster work-family balance by offering congress attendees the opportunity to attend events with their children.

Children from 0 to 12 years of age are welcomed in a specially set up room inside Padua Congress Center throughout the duration of the congress. A colorful, “warm”, safe and welcoming environment, in the same structure that hosts the congresses, a protected place where parents can leave their children, but at the same time stay in touch with them during the breaks of the different sessions.

The nursery space dedicated to the 0-3 age group, equipped with a changing table and other facilities dedicated to the little ones, is next to the kids’ area for children over 3 years old and a cinema room for screenings.

The activities are run by a company specialized in education services with expert staff, appointed by Padua Congress Center, and include thematic workshops - from painting to creative activities - as well as playtime also in the open air, in the facility's outdoor spaces. Children are also offered lunch.

The service is available - for a fee (depending on sponsors) - to all SIGIR 2025 attendees who request it. For more information and updates, check out the SIGIR 2025 Child Care page.

Tutorial Chairs

Jiaxin MaoRenmin University of China, China

Rodrygo SantosUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais(UFMG), Brazil